Wednesday, December 21, 2011, 6:23 PM
why isit me to be blame?. hais
Thursday, December 1, 2011, 8:32 PM
hey im back.
sorry for the dirty blog.
me so lazy to update blog.
so yeah. its been a month since my i had a girlfriend.
so yeah, im slowly to forget about my ex. although it hurts,
i have to move on with life without her.
Monday, October 31, 2011, 4:29 PM
junjunAr giler!!!!!. hahahah
4:06 PM
im back.
Saturday 29 october 2011
the day that i made a move to ask
how long am i suppose to wait. and it turns out bad.
111011 doesnt last, it last on the 29 october 2011.
291011 is the sadest day of my life. its been 3days i've been sad.
waffle girl ask me to move on but i cant my friend. i wanted to last with her
but things go other way. im not the type which not setia, i want to setia but they
like wtf. later my friends think im like tak last nye org. haishhaish
me miss you so much )': although i know you're gone but i miss you so much.
i dont want to end it but u say u want it, so i got no choice to let it go. ):
Thursday, October 27, 2011, 10:52 PM
sorry for not updating.
been not on the comp for a few days or probably weeks.
so lazy ahh, and my adik is using everytime. so yeah.
its been 2 days you have not text me. Me sad ):
im dissapointed that you've changed. why in the first place you want
to be with me if you know you cant love me and now you're telling me its fading.
is it you just wanna break my heart?. or you just simply dont love me cause im fat
/not handsome / ugly and etc. i dont understand why?. why?
is this a test from god?.
is the date 111011 still going strong?. or is it complicated?
Sunday, October 16, 2011, 8:08 AM
k nk mandi and off to abg sani's house ^^
7:39 AM
slept at about 2am and wake up at 7am. so not cool man.
Ape nak buat terpakse pergi lorh. And cannot paitau cause last week i overslept.
Too tired larh kater kan. saturday soccer game, sunday undangan. haish
what a life i have.